So...I have a story to tell the world, a story I have only ever shared in pieces before now.
It's a tale of growth and change, true transformation really, and yet it's also overflowing with sadness, pain, depression, and despair.
The real fire of the story started back in 1993, though some of what transpired that year was forged much earlier, and while the story ended in 1997, many new stories have since been born from the ashes.
This here? These words you read now? They are not the story.
They are only the preface, the starting off point for a new journey still taking flight. Once we get going, I'll have so much more to share with you. Until then, I am mindful of your time and attention, and hopeful for your willingness to learn more about a pivotal time in my life.
For four years
from 1993 to 1997, I was a monk in a Roman Catholic monastery. I was
Brother Sean. While there, I kept several long journals chronicling my
frustrations, my dreams, my fears, and even my needs. They were meant to
console me during some of the most difficult days of my life.
In a new blog starting in January, I will share actual entries from those diaries, explaining how I found
myself there in the monastery to begin with, how I grew through failure, clinical depression, and adolescence, and
how one day, without any warning, it all came crashing down.
I'm going to tell you everything this time, so be prepared. We have a lot of dirty laundry to go through, and there's not enough bleach in the world to make this all right.